Birthday Challenge

Dr. Laura Sleggs, Naturopathic Doctor, and I would like to invite you to join our birthday challenge on facebook to go sugar free between our birthdays, September 15 to October 15. We will share tips for living sugar free and how that benefits your health. We would like you to share your ideas, tips, and experiences. I think that this will be alot of fun as we all share this experience. It will be a challenge for me as well because I love chocolate chip cookies!! But, there is a way! Starting September 15 join us on my facebook page, Jayne M Acomb, LCSW and Lifecoach.

No need to register here, simply go to facebook and start sharing!

Thursday September 15th 2011 -to- Saturday October 15th 2011
1:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Jayne Acomb LCSW

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